Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Make Him Feel You Truly Love Him Without Announcing It

By Tina L. Jones Platinum Quality Author
Do you have a special man in your life and you want to make him feel you truly love him? Have you ever considered if men want to feel loved? Do you invest enough time in your relationship with your special man to ensure that he knows exactly how special he is to you? Here are a few tips to accomplish all of the answers to these questions and learn how to make him feel you truly love him without announcing it.

Step # 1: Never let your affection for him show too much.

Men are much more reserved about showing their feelings than women ever could be. Since women will often show their feelings much more openly, men tend to be scared off by this open display of affection. They especially dislike it when your true feelings are displayed in front of their buddies.

Step # 2: Find smaller ways in which to show your man that you care.

There are many ways in which to show the man you love your true feelings without being so open about it. For example, you could fix him his favorite meal or perhaps make him some cupcakes with little hearts on top of them every now and then. The main thing is to not over do it. When you are alone together this is the time you should let your physical gestures show through. Believe me he will not only notice, but he will appreciate this gesture.

Step # 3: Allow him to lead your relationship in the direction it goes.

Always allow him to set the pace of your relationship and do not make him feel that you are pushing him. This is due to the fact that it normally takes men much longer to take that plunge and fall in love than it ever does women. However, when men do finally fall in love, then they are normally there for the long haul.

Step # 4: Learn the signs that he is giving you and how to follow his direction.

One of those signs might be that he begins calling you on a daily basis just to check on how your day is going and how you are. If this happens, then it is perfectly fine for you to begin to do the same with him. You can tell if your man is beginning to become more serious about your relationship if he takes you to meet his family, but do not push him into this situation.

Step # 5: Never be the first in your relationship to say the words, "I love you."

If you watch your man, then you will know when to declare your feelings for him. In fact, you want him to say those three words, 'I love you,' to you first before you ever declare them to him. However, this will take a large amount of patience on your part. By no means do you have to act like you do not love him, because oftentimes actions will speak louder than words.

The majority of men will enjoy being able to chase you. Men do not like things that come easy to them and a woman's love is the same way. They like to work hard to get what they want, because it makes them feel like a true winner. Even though you may be head over heels in love with this man, if you really want him in your life then you must make him feel you truly love him without saying those words.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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